therapy simplified

Fast track your therapy journey

Connect with the right therapist, manage your therapy activities, and build strong therapeutic relationships.

Website examples

how it works

Reducing friction at each step

Find the right therapist

Rich data for better search and increased odds of success

Relationship development

Collaborative layer to have right context for every session

Work simplified

AI-enabled therapy tools to maximize adherence & progress

complete toolkit

Therapy on your terms in one place.

Get the support you need at any time. Focus on progress.

Get best therapist based on needs

Share with therapist on your discretion

Understand progress to drive therapy journey

complete toolkit

Manage your therapy journey in one place.

Build a unique experience by mixing and matching components. Make your brand shine.

“I’m absolutely blown away by the new Fraction template. You have to try it!”

Jason Walter


“This is so novel - context from the app provide breadcrumbs to direct my attention to the right place”

Jason Walter


“This could have saved me years of trying to look for the right therapist”

